Friday, October 29, 2010

Indigo Village Educational Foundation Event

Come help support families and educational programing on our community at the Indigo Village Educational Foundation fundraising event called "It Takes a Village to Create Change".  This event takes place November 6, 2010 at the Joan Kroc Institute of Peace and Justice at the University of San Diego (5998 Alcala Park) from 8:30am - 4:30pm.

Want to know more about this Organization?  The Organization is called the Indigo Village Educational Foundation and they are based in Encinitas, CA. Their president, Susie Walton, has been a local parenting expert in the San Diego area for over 20 years. She happens to also be the Mother of Los Angeles Laker, Luke Walton, who also grew up in SD.

This event "It Takes a Village to Create Change" started 3 years ago with the infamous saying, "It takes a village to raise a child." This is Susie's favorite quote as she has built Indigo Village and the Foundation in order to support families and educational programing on our community. The Foundation holds fundraisers throughout the year in order to raise funds to go towards scholarships in programs like our "Redirecting Children's Behavior" Parenting Program and our "Remembrance Course" Personal Development Program.  All scholarship recipients have to go through an application process and are targeted towards communities where access and funding of these types of programs are limited. We believe that change starts with us.  Their mantra is, "Work with children and impact one child at a time. Work with parents and impact generations."

Simon Sinek will be their keynote speaker for this event.  He has a pretty large presence on the East Coast. He is a leadership expert, Author of "Start With Why" and is a columnist for various publications.  He will be talking about his message of "How great leaders inspire action" and how it ties into the sustainability of a movement, such as the Foundation's cause.

Here are just a few things to look forward to when you purchase your ticket.

  • 45 minute Keynote Presentation by leadership expert and Author of "Start With Why", Simon Sinek! Along with a 45 minute Question and Answer Forum! Simon has been featured on: CNN, and Success Television!
  • Access to over 17 workshop break-out sessions by our hand-picked professional presenters
  • Continental Breakfast and full Lunch
  • Access to over 15 Exhibitors and their services and products
  • Photography Exhibit on site, featuring "Stirring the Fire" a global movement to empower Women and Girls.
  • Gift bags with offers and opportunities from local businesses and organizations
  • A chance to network with professionals and organizations committed to creating positive change in our community.
  • Much, much more!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Creating Families through Adoption: Handling the "Abandonment" Word

This featured workshop will be one of many at "It Takes a Village to Create Change" conference 

Parents are asked “Why?” by their children about almost everything. Parents who adopt may have an additional “why” asked of them. “Why am I not with her?” or “Why did she give me up?” or “Why was I abandoned?” Along with these questions come intense, complex and ambiguous emotions for everyone in the family. In this powerful workshop – for parents and for adoption professionals – you gain clarity and insights to assist you in handling emotional issues, in talking about adoption with your child, and in handling the "why" so that you may move beyond the “abandonment” word.

Biographical Sketch Maggie Macaulay, MS Ed, the owner of Whole Hearted Parenting in Miramar, Florida, has assisted parents in creating cooperative, peaceful homes for over a decade. She teaches the Redirecting Children’s BehaviorTM Course, trains course instructors and leads RCB South Florida, a team of certified parent educators serving Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade Counties. Maggie is a certified coach and a featured parenting expert on NBC 6’s South Florida Today as well as for the online sites Parental Wisdom and New Baby. Maggie created and facilitates Whole Hearted Adoption, a full-day workshop that explores myths and beliefs about parenthood, adoption and family building. Maggie is a certified facilitator of the Freedom to Be course through Your Infinite Life Training and Coaching Company, and she is the recipient of the 2008 American Business Women's Association Spirit of Excellence Parent Educator of the Year Award. You may reach Maggie at 954-483-8021 or through and

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Youth and Cyber-Bullying. What Parents don’t know CAN hurt them

Cyber-Bullying  is becoming an ever-growing problem with today's youth. This featured workshop at "It Takes a Village to Create Change" conference will help you understand what you can do to protect your children and family

Presenter: Anti-Defamation League

With today s increasing access to online technology, the Internet has become a vehicle for propagating hatred and intolerance based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and the like. Electronic media like cell phone text messaging, chat rooms and online instant messaging have become increasingly popular among young people as ways to intimidate, harass and humiliate one another. Whether these kinds of cyberbullying are related to race or religion or some other difference or because of some other characteristic, such as physical appearance or personality, they can produce devastating consequences for the targets.

The A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute developed Youth and Cyberbullying: What Families Don t Know Can Hurt Them to help adult family members understand the language, skills, information and challenges associated with cyberbullying. This knowledge will assist families in helping their children/teens respond in appropriate ways to incidents of cyberbullying and in promoting safe and respectful online environments for all people. The training serves as one of the Institute s many ways to address bias and discrimination, and promote safety and inclusion for all.

Program Goals:

1. To increase understanding and awareness about the problem of cyber-bullying.

2. To educate and empower adult family members to effectively discuss and respond to their children and teen's experiences with cyberbullying.

3. To provide adult family members with the tools/skills needed to educate their children/teens in responding to cyberbullying and in being allies to others.

Youth and Cyber Bullying- What Parents Don't Know CAN Hurt Them by the Anti-Defamation League 

Indigo Village

Monday, October 25, 2010

If you Give Kids an Inch, They will Take a Mile

Many parents I've worked with have a strong belief attached to this one. They believe if they do not make kids follow their commands, the kids will take advantage. As a result, the parents become even stricter hoping that the child will know who is boss, which often results in more power struggles and problems.

New Idea: Kids Have Great Solutions to Problems

You will be amazed at the solutions your children come up with. Take the time to ask for their help when you are in the middle of a power struggle or feel stuck on how to deal with a certain issue. The following stories provide insightful and easy ways to empower your children and make your job as a parent much more enjoyable! I cannot tell you how many times my kids have come to my rescue when I felt I did not have an answer or idea for solving a problem.

Walton Story by Susie

My teenage boys had a habit of leaving their dirty clothes and towels on the floor expecting me to pick them up and wash them. I told them that I was willing to do laundry but not willing to walk around the house and pick up their dirty laundry and wash it too. I asked them how we could make this work for all of us. They came up with the solution that I would continue to do the laundry as long as they put it in the laundry basket or in the laundry room. This worked for me.

Story: Fair is Fair
We learned never to assume that we knew what seemed FAIR to our children. The following is an example.

One lovely autumn afternoon near Halloween, my husband and our young son and daughter, ventured out to do some errands. Their last stop became the source of much excitement. They had gleefully purchased a huge, furry, battery-operated spider with which to terrorize their poor-unsuspecting mother. This premeditated joy came to a screeching halt however, during the car ride home. BOTH of our children wanted to HOLD the coveted spider. This seemingly small detail mushroomed into an enormous conflict, complete with a yelling, screaming tug-o-war while Tom was driving. Struggling to keep his eyes on the road and his sanity intact, my husband suddenly remembered that RCB mantra: "Okay Guy's, let's do a 'Win-Win' with that spider."

Now as a rational adult you may think, as Tom did, that this suggestion would likely lead to a “take-turns-holding- the-spider” approach. Not so, instead our children calmly negotiated what was for them, the perfect solution. Our daughter Lili held the spider the entire way home, while our  gadget-loving son Kyle held the real prize. Now all parties were content and peaceful (including my husband), each secure in the knowledge that they had made the best deal. Everyone except me of course, because wretched spider has startled me every Halloween since.

Teaching Point:

Because kids receive up to a thousand compliant statements a day, they eventually stop listening to what we are telling them to do. Whenever possible, remember to ask them what needs to be done or how a problem can be solved, rather then telling them what to do.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Twixt and Tween, Making the Most of the Tween Years

Ah, tweens, hormones aplenty, social and emotional growth occurring at a dizzying pace, fun times! The 9- to 13-year-old starts down the path of self-identity, independence, and development of moral values that will mark the teen years. They push you away, and pull you closer.  It can be a confusing time for the tween, and for the adults in your tweens' life.  Certified educators Heather Lampron and Joe O'Quinn will demystify these years, reviewing normal and expected behaviors for 4th through 8th graders, about age 9 to 13. In this interactive session, attendees will  practice some quick and easy tools to defuse emotions, peer conflict, and setting limits. Learn shortcuts to connect in a positive way with the tweens in your home, school, or program, and emphasize positive interactions in the group.   

Especially for teachers: As a 5th grade teacher in the acclaimed Poway school district, Joe O'Quinn, M. Ed. has a classroom full of tweens on a daily basis. "I love teaching 5th graders. They grow up so much over the course of one school year. They are learning about themselves, their skills, their dreams, their classmates, and the world.  It's an honor to be a part of their process." As an experienced teacher, Joe has a variety of tips to offer teachers, parents, and coaches on how to avoid some common pitfalls and stay connected with our tweens. 

    Fun fact:  have you ever wondered where the "tween" moniker comes from?  Heather and Joe will clue you in!

Does your thinking limit your success?

Have you ever had the feeling you were standing in the way of your own success? In this presentation, you will get a glimpse of the gorilla in the doorway leading to your dream life. Presenter, Rick Itzkowich, engages attendees in a stimulating experiential session. You’ll have the opportunity to explore the domino effect your thinking plays in the game of your personal and career life.


An awareness of the power your thoughts have on the results you see in your life.
Pre-event:  How to look beyond the looking glass and see who’s really in charge.
An understanding of why your assumptions about love or money actually affect how much of both you have in your life.
Pre-event:  Why being aware of your perceptions about finances and love is a critical skill.
A new way of listening and reframing the judgmental chatter in your head.
                Pre-event:  Ways to stop living with the same 60,000 thoughts each day. 
Nourishing Wisdom: Improving Your Relationship with Food While Also Improving Your Children's Health

In this session we will look at health from a whole-person perspective, understanding that one's health is an expression of the complex interplay between the physical and the chemical, mental and emotional as well as spiritual and environmental aspects of one's life and being. We will discuss how every person has unique dietary needs and how to find out what those are by listening to your own body vs. external dietary theories. 
We will also talk about kids nutrition - their current health challenges and solutions to those challenges. Participants will learn 8 easy ways to raise healthier children in today's world and what kinds of nutritional supplements are of the most value to growing bodies.  
Participants will also learn how to balance both the food that they eat with primary food, the things that feed us other than food - and how to communicate these concepts to their children so that the whole family can have a positive, nourishing relationship with food. They will also learn about cravings in detail and how to deconstruct them so that they can understand their origin, mitigate the emotional response to food and learn to improve their health across the board.

Creating Families through Adoption:
Handling the "Abandonment" Word

Parents are asked “Why?” by their children about almost everything.  Parents who adopt may have an additional “why” asked of them.  “Why am I not with her?” or “Why did she give me up?” or “Why was I abandoned?”  Along with these questions come intense, complex and ambiguous emotions for everyone in the family.  In this powerful workshop – for parents and for adoption professionals – you gain clarity and insights to assist you in handling emotional issues, in talking about adoption with your child, and in handling the "why" so that you may move beyond the “abandonment” word.

Maggie Macaulay

Maggie Macaulay, MS Ed, the owner of Whole Hearted Parenting in Miramar, Florida, has assisted parents in creating cooperative, peaceful homes for over a decade.  She teaches the Redirecting Children’s Behavior™ Course, trains course instructors and leads RCB South Florida, a team of certified parent educators serving Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade Counties.  Maggie is a certified coach and a featured parenting expert on NBC 6’s South Florida Today as well as for the online sites Parental Wisdom and New Baby.  Maggie created and facilitates Whole Hearted Adoption, a full-day workshop that explores myths and beliefs about parenthood, adoption and family building.  Maggie is a certified facilitator of the Freedom to Be course through Your Infinite Life Training and Coaching Company, and she is the recipient of the 2008 American Business Women's Association Spirit of Excellence Parent Educator of the Year Award.   You may reach Maggie at 954-483-8021 or and

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Breathing Life back into Childhood

“Childhood has become indentured to test scores, performance and competition. We face an epidemic of unhealthy, disengaged, unprepared kids trying to manage as best they can.” – Vickie Albeles, Director, Race to Nowhere
“I won’t give up on my kids. There’s just so many different parents out there that want so much for their children.”Maria, mother of Francisco, first grade, The Brox, Waiting for Superman

Breathing Life back into Childhood

This compelling workshop will take a look at the pressures that are being put on the children of today and will explore not only the breakdown in our school systems, but also in our families. Come gain some new tools to create a home and child(ren) who will thrive.  Presented by Author, Susie Walton who has spent the last two decades serving and coaching parents and families throughout Southern California, every participant will leave with a better understanding of the children of today, their needs and how we can all partner to support them in their own journey. Don’t miss this chance to get this valuable information. It could change your child’s experience of growing up!
Susie Walton

As a recipient of the San Diego Parent Educator of the Year Award, Susie Walton is a leading expert in the field of communication and relationships with an emphasis on family dynamics.   Susie has teamed with various companies and organizations such as Qualcomm, Sharp Hospital, and Children’s Hospital to develop and implement practical and positive change for youth and families.

Susie is a pioneer in parent education and has been leading seminars, hands-on workshops and full length parenting classes, instructor trainings, teacher in-services and one on one coaching for 20 years. In the early 90s Susie acted on her heartfelt belief that true positive change begins in the home and created an organization to help reduce stress and frustration in the areas of family relationships and raising children. 

Susie’s aspirations and dedication to providing positive change and mutual respect, inspired her to open Indigo Village in 2005.  Indigo Village is a practical, and authentic creation that comes from the saying “It takes a village to raise a child”. It is a unique and dynamic center allowing everyone the opportunity to join together for the purpose of enriching the community and bringing peace to the world at large.  Indigo Village is home to many classes, workshops, therapists, counselors, and other resources for families and individuals young and old.

Susie's strengths lie in her motivational speaking and when she is not sharing her expertise in parenting and communication, Susie is out and about as a regular guest on the local news station Channel 10 and as a radio guest on the “Jeff and Jer Showgram”.  She is an expert on team communications and regularly consults and strategizes with coaches and sports psychologists.

Professionally and personally, Susie is an active and influential community member, holding experience as a Board member for the YMCA Youth & Family Services, Families Forever and more recently the Indigo Village Educational Foundation.

Susie's accomplishments have received tremendous recognition; such as, defining and writing parenting course work for both the Center for Child Protection and the California State Penal System, a program for parents who are incarcerated minors. Susie played volleyball while attending UCLA and Sonoma State, and is still an active athlete who enjoys swimming, body boarding and yoga.  The 5th child in a family of 10, she herself has 4 sons, and makes her home in Encinitas, California.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Is your road map working for you or against you?

This world is advancing. People are starting to awaken and realize that they have choices when it comes to WHY, HOW and WHAT they experience in their life.

Old humanity is re-active/inactive and symptomatic. “Desperate times call for desperate measures” is what the slogan would be for this generation. A generation of people who, out of desperation, will react to “fix” the situation. Think about it. They show up all the time. For instance, a parent will call Indigo Village and say, “Help! My child is punching my other child. What should I do?” Only out of desperation, when sh*t hits the fan, will people react to their lives, their circumstances.

What they don’t realize is that they are the ones creating their own chaos. Good, bad or indifferent, they are creating it. Furthermore, what they really don’t realize is that there’s a better way.

What if people actually operated from a place of intention versus reaction. Why not have an intention to “live a life full of love and purpose” versus reacting to life in order to “live a life full of love and purpose?”

Let's take the example of starting your own business. The way most of us may experience this might sound something like this:

“I’m going to go to college, earn my degree, gain some job experience, save my money and then start my own business.” What kinds of questions would you have after making this decision? You might ask the question of, “What am I going to major in?” or “What kind of company do I want to gain experience from?” Furthermore, what kinds of opportunities do you think this sentence creates for you? Since you’ve already mapped out HOW you are going to get there, it doesn’t leave a whole lot of room for anything else, other than choices within these little checkpoints you’ve set up for yourself.

Now, what if I were to start by saying to myself: "my intention is to start my own business". What kinds of questions do you think would come up after making this decision? You might start to ask questions like “What do I want my business to look like?” or “What types of services and products do I want to offer?” What kinds of opportunities do you think you would open up for you with this sentence? Believe it or not, a whole world of opportunities presents itself. Because you haven’t already mapped it all out, you actually leave room for life, creativity, experience, and even more importantly, the likelihood of a future YOU created out of an intention. Not some roadmap that you thought would get you there. Chances are you really don’t want to go to college, or gain job experience or better yet, save your money. What you really want is to start your own business. You just think that this is the path laid out before you because someone, at some point, told you that this was the way it is done or the way it’s supposed to be.

If this is true, lets consider this. How many times have you known someone, it may even be you, who has opted for the “Go to college, earn your degree, get a job, save your money and so on.” Chances are you probably know a lot. There’s probably even a very good chance that the majority of those people who had this intention probably didn’t get past “Earn your degree” or “Save your money.” Life happens and it’s ridiculous to think that we could have all the answers to HOW our life will end up or map out HOW we will get there.

Now how many people do you know who have lived their life out of an intention they have created for themselves? It could be something such as “I believe in saving lives and want to become a doctor” or “I believe in creating peace through families and want to educate parents.” Not very many, and the ones you do know, stick out because they are the ones who did it differently. They are the ones who decided to create what they want and they are leaders of today.

My point is simple, people who want to live a life that is truly theirs and be held responsible for what they create, will always benefit from starting with the WHY and THEN creating an intention for their life out of that place. If my WHY is, “I believe in creating peaceful families,” than my commitment to my WHY will mold my life experiences instead of my roadmap of laid out plans or my inaction/reaction.

If you want an honest shot at experiencing a life that is truly yours, than WHY is where you need to start. If you are honest about creating your life experience from the WHY, the Indigo Village Educational Foundation will be presenting this opportunity by bringing Simon Sinek, leadership expert and Author of Start With Why as a keynote speaker to their third annual conference at USD on November 6th. For more information on tickets and availability, go to

Indigo Village

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Children Aren’t Old Enough to Make Good Decisions?

Oftentimes, we as parents do not feel that kids are capable of making good decisions. We end up telling them what to do, how to do it, and when to do it! Essentially we are raising robots who do not learn to think for themselves, as we are not encouraging them to develop their critical thinking skills. How can we hope that they will make good decisions when they are older if we do not allow them to make both good and not so good ones when they are young.

New Idea: Give them Choices

So often we get stuck in a power struggle with our children. i can tell you right now that most kids (just like many adults) do not like to be told what to do. Here are some stories about giving choices to minimize power struggles.

Teaching Point:
There are different kinds of choices:

Concrete choices:
Would you like to set the table or clear the table?

Playful choices:
Would you like to hop to bed or have a piggy-back ride to bed?

Choice with incentives:
Would you like to finish your show and have one
book or go to bed now and have three books?

Choice with consequences, best with young kids;
Your choice is to hold on to the shopping cart or be
put back into the shopping cart.

When offering any choice add the phrase,
“It is your decision,” it helps children learn that life is based on the decisions they make.

Story: The Dentist Every Parent Wished For
I have been seeing this young patient for about one and a half years. He is almost seven years old. The first few times I was barely able to look in his mouth, even to do a simple exam. He was very squirmy and was constantly moving his arms and head. He would get very nervous when I would look in his mouth, closing it in a protective and nervous manner.

I had just attended an RCB class with Susie. This young boy was my first patient the next morning. From the first moment I saw him I started practicing my RCB techniques. We talked about why he thought it was important to go to the dentist and the different things a dentist does.
I thanked him for being on time to the appointment and asked him what would make it a nice appointment for him. Once he sat we talked about the different things that he could do to help during his visit. I asked him if he wanted to have a quick visit or a long visit. He said a quick visit. I told him I felt he made a good choice. We talked about the different things he could help me with to make it a quick visit. We decided that keeping his hands to his side and his head still were good ways to help. I gave him the choice to either keep his hands to the side, on his lap, or on the arm rests. He recommended different ways to position his head. He made the choice to keep his head very still and with his chin slightly elevated.

After each decision, he was very happy with himself and became more and more excited to start implementing the decisions that he had decided upon. During the course of the appointment, he kept asking me if he was being a good helper. Each time, i told him that he made a good decision and was sticking to his promises. The patient was very happy and seemed to be encouraging himself.

In our office, we have traditionally given prizes to children after the appointment. This is in disagreement with the RCB notion of not giving praise or rewards, however, it is something that seems to be an expectation in a dental office. After the appointment, the young boy asked me if he could get a prize. I asked him if he felt he deserved one. Very enthusiastically, he said yes. I asked him why and he told me because he was a good helper. I asked him what he did to help and he said that he followed directions and kept his hands and head where he had decided they would be at the beginning of our appointment. I told the young boy that if he felt he wanted or really needed a prize that he was welcome to take one. The difference between this visit and past visits was remarkable. The appointment went very smoothly with very few interruptions. The boy showed a great sense of accomplishment and increased self-confidence. He left with a big smile on his face instead of one of frustration and low- morale.

1. Have your kids start making decisions on negotiable events.

2. Give them two choices, and then say, “You make the decision.” Be sure to stick with it even if they want to change the choice.

Indigo Village

Friday, October 15, 2010

You can Discipline and Stay Close with Your Kids and Make a Great Family Team

Myth One: Discipline Creates Distance This myth is old, but true if you were raised in an autocratic household. In this type of household, the parent was the boss and if you did not obey you were punished. By the time you were a teen many of us were not that connected to our parents and we certainly did not share information with them about what was going on in our life. Do you know that the majority of teens want to go to their parents when they have a problem or concern? Mot of thme do not fear being yelled at, lectured, grounded, or knowing their parent will not sleep for the next three months if they do, so it is not worth going to them!

New Idea: You can Discipline and Stay Close with Your Kids and Make a Great Family Team
So, how do we discipline and stay connected? In that moment when you want to yell or you are so frustrated that you feel like spanking or putting kid's in 'time out', pause a moment. In that moment, take some deep breaths, or walk away for a few seconds to self-calm. Then ask yourself the question, "Do I want to create distance or closeness right now?"

Teaching Point:
We distance ourselves from our children when we yell, threaten, shame or blame them. An example is when we yell with an angry or frustrated tone, “How many times have I told you not to spill your milk!” That may take care of the problem, but they will feel disconnected from you.

There are other healthier ways of disciplining than yelling or spanking, which is what we often do when we are frustrated. The pause is important here because it allows us to respond to the situation instead of just reacting. In that pause some options are: take a deep breath, count to 10, take a sip of water, or maybe just get eye level with your child. Do what works best for you.

In that moment, think to yourself, “I can discipline and stay connected.” Instead of saying, “How many times have I told you not to spill your milk,” you might say, “Lets figure out a different way for you to be able to pour your milk and keep it from spilling.” Or, “Okay, so you spilled the milk, what needs to be done to get it cleaned up?”

Story: Chocolate Floor
My three-year old son and I were in the kitchen and he dropped a half-full container of Chocolate Nesquik mix on the kitchen floor. As taught in my Redirecting Children's Beahavior (RCB) class by Susie, instead of yelling at my child and creating distance, I paused a moment and took a deep breath. I then looked at him and said, “What do you need to do with that?” He proceeded to get the scooper and scooped up all of the chocolate mix off the floor. Then I handed him a spray bottle of water and he sprayed it all with water and scrubbed it. It was pretty cool.

1. Seek to understand before being understood, (be curious)
2. Remember to pause so you can respond instead of react
3. When pausing: breathe,count to ten, or step away for a moment.
4. Ask kids questions rather then telling them what to do.
5. Use mistakes as an opportunity to teach
6. Have fun
7. Breathe

Indigo Village

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Create Change by Investing in Yourself!

Just for a moment imagine being a part of a shared experience, along with many others in your community who care about change…being part of a grassroots movement that could affect the world in a decisive and positive way.

I recently heard about a neat-sounding conference called “It Takes a Village to Create Change.” This annual event is being held Saturday, November 6, 2010 at the University of San Diego; the goal of the organization is to create positive change in individuals and the community by transforming self, family, personal relationships, community and the world. An ambitious goal, but change must start somewhere, after all. I just love the purpose put forth by this group at Indigo Village who even created a non-profit foundation in order to assist those who cannot afford the many excellent self-development and parenting programs they provide.

The keynote speaker is someone everyone is talking about (at least in my circles). After watching his TED speech, I immediately bought Simon Sinek’s newly released book, “Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action.” This is an amazingly articulate man with an interesting quantification of a very simple idea – a powerful paradigm shift that could help many businesses and individuals become more successful, influential, and inspirational. Click here to learn more and see Simon’s TED speech – and prepare to get psyched to see him in person!

In addition to the amazing keynote speaker, the breakout sessions should further prove to be insightful and educational. Indigo Village has put together an outstanding lineup: several doctors are speaking, a clinical nutritionist, psychologists, parenting experts, and life coaches, among others. Topics range from exploring how thinking affects success, life and money, dealing with life’s natural cycle of pain and healing, raising happy children, how to build a green community, raising spirited kids, exploring your relationship with food, helping tweens deal with hormones, cyber-bullying of youths, couples communication, and “flat earth” medicine.

I also want to say that I have personally taken many of the programs offered by Indigo Village (Redirecting Children’s Behavior, The Remembrance Course, Freedom to Be), and they are all excellent, even a catalyst for healing, and worth checking into
Tickets are discounted if you buy them ahead of time, and include continental breakfast and lunch. Check out for information, to buy tickets, or to make a donation. Let the change begin with yourself!

Indigo Village